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Does life ever slow down? Sure doesn’t seem like it sometimes.

And I really need to schedule a reminder or something…as Wednesdays and Sundays tend to come and go before I remember that I am supposed to be posting my RoW80 update.

The past few days have been crazy. My son is dropping a nap, and not sleeping as much during the day, but sleeping better at night, so…it’s a tradeoff, one I’m adjusting to as much as he is. The main difficulty is finding time for all the things I need to do during the day–some of which is difficult when he is awake.

For instance, running. I was doing so great. But now that he’s only doing one nap in the morning, that’s the nap I must run during. Some days, that’s fine. Others, it’s hard to sacrifice that one nap when there’s a novel to edit, dinner to prep, a house to clean, laundry to do… By the time his second nap rolls around, it’s dinnertime and the hubby is home.

I’ve tried running when it’s not nap time, and that’s backfired on me. My son likes the stroller. It lulls him to sleep. Even if it isn’t nap time. So if I go on a run, he falls asleep, and then he doesn’t want to sleep when I want him to sleep. Such as: at bed time.

So right now, at least this week, we’re relearning our schedule. Sometimes all it takes is a fifteen minute power nap and he’s off kilter for the rest of the day. I’m not sure how a fifteen minute nap he catches in the car can suffice until the next nap time, but…sometimes it does. And that does not make me happy.

Other than napping woes, I’ve been in a funk this week, too. I’ve managed to somewhat keep up on my 1K a day writing goal, but I do think I’ll reevaluate this goal to be 1K a day during M-F, and allow myself the weekend as a break and to read over what I wrote during the week and make changes if I so desire.

I baked my next recipe in The Bread Baker’s Apprentice yesterday (see I was thinking about my goals even if I didn’t post an update yesterday!), and it came out…okay. Well, half the recipe did. I didn’t have a brioche pan, so I made the “Poor Man’s Brioche” recipe with two bread loaf pans instead. One of those bread loaves turned out beautiful. Absolutely perfect sandwich bread image. The other…not so much. It burned on top. But the inside is great. I suppose the main problem was that the perfect loaf was in a glass bread pan, the burned loaf in a metal bread pan. That does make a difference–but I actually put the metal bread pan in about ten minutes after the glass pan.

Oh well. It still tastes good. I’ve devoured half the loaf already. So that means I really should go running today…